Intelligent Student
in Spiritual, Character and Knowledge.
- Instill the values of truth in all aspects of life.
- Embedding character through the practice of truth values.
- Developing students potentials.
- Developing mathematical, linguistic and science skills of students.
- Fostering the independence of students through character development activities.
To educate the nation and to develop the Indonesian people as a whole, that is man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty and proven noble character, possessing knowledge and skill, physical and spiritual health, solid and independent personality and responsibility of society and nationality.
- School Profile in Surabaya Education Department Database.
- School Profile in Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture Database.
- National School Profile in SEKOLAH KITA Website.
The logo of a purple lamp that gives off an orange flame, over an open book. All of these parts are united in a yellow circle and wrapped in a green circle. Literally, the meaning of each part of the SDTK Pelita Permai logo is as follows:
- The green circle is the basic color of the majority logo color of the Kasih Pengharapan Foundation, the shading foundation of the Pelita Permai School, which symbolizes the hope for a better life (TRANSFORMATION).
- The purple circle as the basic color of writing symbolizes the Pelita Permai School Vision which underlies every school curriculum to create spiritually intelligent students, character and knowledge.
- The words “Sekolah Dasar” at the top of the logo explain the identity and level of education served by SDTK Pelita Permai (Primary Education).
- “Pelita Permai” writing consists of two words, namely Pelita which means a lamp or light source. The second word is Permai which implies the history of the establishment of the first class on Jl. Simpang Darmo Permai Selatan XI / 14. In addition, the word Permai also means beautiful and beautiful, which is a picture of life that is dreamed of with all members of the SDTK Pelita Permai.
- The yellow circle shape carries the message of unity and mastery (INTELLIGENT) based on love that brings warmth and joy.
- An open purple book describes the word of God as a source of knowledge that underlies human efforts to live and develop life (SPIRITUAL).
- The purple lamp will explain the source of life’s light based on wisdom (KNOWLEDGE).
- Orange fire illustrates the passion to illuminate life that brings change for the better (CHARACTER).